Ranking shows the best places to live in France in 2025 A wide range of data and thematic criteria was used to sort 34,935 communes nationwide
Meet Nicolas Sarkozy’s former communications chief, Thierry Saussez He discusses his brainchild Villes & Villages: où il fait bon vivre, and his business that aims to defeat French pessimism
Which are the most and least stressful cities in France? Major French cities have been ranked according to how stressful they are - which ones get your blood pressure boiling?
practical How much money do you need for a ‘decent life’ in France? We speak to the economist who calculated the monthly income needed for couples, families, single or retired people
Top 100 ranking: The healthiest towns or cities in France to live in A new list compares towns with older populations to see where you are more likely to live into a healthy old age – with a clear socio-economic divide emerging
Top 500 best places to live in France - is your commune on the list? The 2021 list considered 34,837 villages, towns and cities according to 183 criteria including quality of life, safety, shops, services, and transport. Annecy, Bayonne, and Nice all made the top 10
Living standards in France stagnant for a decade Average living standards and inequality have remained stagnant in France for the past 10 years, a new report has said, with the average quality of life having slightly improved in the past 12 months.
French public: Quality of life has dropped in 20 years French people believe that their quality of life has gone down in the past 20 years, a new study has found, with working people aged 35-54 especially affected.
Half of olive oil sold in France is falsely labelled Almost half of olive oils sold in France do not conform to regulation, a new report has found, with many containing added vegetable oil, and falsely claiming to be “extra virgin” or “organic”.
Quality of life is why expats choose France France continues to be a country chosen by expats who are looking for a good quality of life rather than large financial rewards, a survey* into people living abroad in 46 countries has found.